Cottesmore Headmaster In A War Zone – Introduction

By Gregory Taylor

3 weeks ago

Follow Cottesmore Headmaster in his own words as he embarks on a humanitarian mission through war-torn Ukraine.

Two days ago, Cottesmore Headmaster Tom Rogerson posted something rather remarkable on his LinkedIn page. What follows is a direct transcript.

‘An extraordinary invitation came through the post – an invitation to join a cross-party delegation on a mission to Ukraine. MPs from the Labour, Liberal Democrat & Conservative parties will be on the trip, as well as journalists.

The catalyst for this assignment is a British charity called HopeFull – a humanitarian charity which has been raising the spirits of refugees and those affected since the beginning of the conflict. I met the people behind HopeFull on the Ukraine border three years ago when Cottesmore drove out with a van full of kit for refugees, funded by Friends of Cottesmore.

The wider mission for the exercise is to raise awareness back in the UK and globally: the conflict is ongoing, those involved are not forgotten and it continues to cause extensive suffering on many fronts. We can help by funding HopeFull Futures, which is an inspirational rehabilitation programme.

One of my personal missions on the trip is to be the first UK Headteacher to actively twin with a school in Kyiv by visiting the school, teaching, talking and playing music with them. They will be reminded that they are not forgotten.

I am not asking for funding myself, but I am asking you to go to HopeFull, have a look & consider donating to the HopeFull Futures programme.

Meanwhile, the mission is on.’

School House Magazine will be closely following Tom’s journey – make sure to check back every day for updates on this incredible undertaking!