In Spring 2021, The 6 at St Catherine’s opened its doors.  The building was designed by alumna of 2006 Helen Whateley, Architect at IID based in South London and provides our Sixth Formers with a contemporary living space.

The 6 at St Catherine’s is an ambitious community of young women.  With 28 A Level subjects on offer, average class sizes of seven and girls historically achieving 94% A* – B at A Level, the girls in The 6 are a focused, driven and busy bunch!  Uniquely at St Catherine’s, every Sixth Former has a Prefect role whether as Head of Boarding representing the African or Arabic countries, as House Captains, Eco, Digital, Pastoral or Alumnae Relations Prefects.   As leaders of the School, they have been rightly rewarded with a fabulous space of their own.  Already the Common Room smells of burnt toast, card games are common and heated debates are peppered with laughter.

“By the time they leave School, they are able to think critically, have high aspirations and a self-belief that there are few things they cannot achieve.”  Independent Schools Inspectorate

Boarders enjoy one of 44 twin bedrooms with spacious wardrobes, shelving to call their own, study desks and wall to ceiling windows to maximise the light.  They are also in awe of their new bathrooms with private bath areas for weekend rest and relaxation.  On each floor of the boarding house, there are ‘Snugs’ specially designed for relaxing with friends from across the world to enjoy a Netflix film at the weekend!  The 6 really is a cross between a boarding house and a University Hall of Residence – helping the girls learn to live with one another, build their independence and experience an increasing amount of autonomy and responsibility.

Girls in The 6 not only enjoy this fabulous space but also have their own private Library refurbished in 2012 for quiet and focused study during the day and homework in the evening.  With a state of the art Auditorium built and specialist sports facilities they want for little at St Catherine’s!

For more information of Sixth Form boarding in The 6 at St Catherine’s please visit our website here.