Back to School with Eaton Square
4 years ago

Over the past year, an immense emphasis has been placed on the reported ‘knowledge gap’ that lockdown has generated among today’s young people. Given both the unprecedented and unforeseen demands of lockdown living, it is without doubt that the physical closing of schools has had an impact on children’s development.
However, the latest results from Eaton Square Prep School in no way suggest a decline in academic excellence. Indeed, the School has enjoyed an impressive amount of 11+ and 13+ offers, with Year 6 pupils winning places at no less than 32 schools, as well as 24 scholarships. Offers are still flying in.
In keeping with previous years, leavers’ destinations will include Eton, Harrow, Francis Holland, Dulwich College, City of London, King’s College Wimbledon, Eaton Square Senior School, Godolphin and Latymer, Queen’s College and Wycombe Abbey.

Instead, the School – true to its foundational commitment of developing happy, confident children – will be directing its focus towards the pastoral side of each child’s development.
Principal of Eaton Square Schools, Sebastian Hepher, says: “We are truly delighted by the continued achievement of our cohort over the past year – a testimony to our determined pupils and committed teachers. Despite this, we acutely recognise the impact that lockdown life has had, to varying degrees, on all children’s development. At Eaton Square School, our focus will be on ensuring that academic standards are maintained and furthered whilst fully supporting the emotional and social needs of every pupil who has been affected by the last few months.”
With less than a week to go until schools reopen, here’s how Eaton Square Prep School will be easing the transition of pupils back into the classroom….
Eaton Square is renowned for its warm, welcoming and nurturing environment. The benefits of this will grow to even greater heights in the post-COVID world. Offering an onsite Place2Be children’s mental health counsellor (available for both drop-ins and more structured programmes), there are also post boxes positioned across the school for children to ‘post’ any worries in total privacy. In addition, this term will see increased focus on furthering high levels of happiness, confidence, security and friendships through individualised support, booster clubs, tailored take-home learning packs, collaborative group activities and more.
An excess of time spent both inside and on-screen will be resolved. To start, all usual PE lessons will be replaced with an entire morning spent in the nearby Battersea Park, with each class enjoying sporting activities, team-building exercises, fresh air, playtime and a picnic in the park’s 200 acres of leafy green surroundings. Likewise, the school’s own private playground and outdoor space on the prestigious Eccleston Square (home to the school’s popular Gardening Club) will make a welcome return for all pupils.

Above all, the past year has put a spotlight on the School’s founding value of service – an innate drive to support the immediate and wider communities around us. Headmistress Trish Watt says, “Pupils admirably upheld this value throughout lockdown – actively fundraising both for the School’s chosen charity, Chiltern Music Therapy, as well as engaging in global campaigns regarding sustainability, genetic disorders and cancer. On returning to school, we will be encouraging the pupils to serve the community more keenly than ever; with exciting new initiatives from the pupil-driven Eco Committee to the ‘Whole New World’ theme of the School’s upcoming TEDx event.”
To find out more about Eaton Square Prep School, sign up to their upcoming Virtual Open Morning at 9:30am-10:30am, Friday 12th March 2021. To secure your place, click here.