Charterhouse Launches Online School: A-Levels In A Year
2 years ago

Karen Davies, Principal at Charterhouse Online, tells us what makes for great online learning and answers some of the main questions.

Is learning online hard?
If you have been a student, parent or teacher in the last three years you will definitely have an answer to this question! But, you certainly will not all have the same answer!
For some, learning online was very hard indeed: they missed their friends; playing sport; performing on stage and the many other activities of school life.
For others, it was fantastic: they were able to focus more on their academic studies; avoid the distractions of their peers in class and spend more time with their family.
Many, experienced something that sat somewhere between these extremes.
However, what all of us in education did learn is that great teaching and learning can and does happen online but, importantly, that great online education is not always the same as being in a classroom.
So, what makes for great online learning?
It will come as no surprise that the biggest single key to success in learning online is teacher and student enthusiasm and commitment alongside live lessons with lots of opportunity to interact between teachers, students and each other.
We all want to be able to ask that tricky question face to face and have that sense of shared challenge, support and fun that comes from working in small class sizes and learning with others.
Any good student can read the textbook and learn the basics of differential calculus but a great teacher will enable you to use that knowledge in solving complex problems and, as a useful by-product, pass your exams with the best possible grades.

And, can you really do A-Levels in only one year?
Yes, if you are academically able in that subject, motivated and hardworking.
What does this mean in practical terms? It means you must have a high level of natural ability in your chosen subjects; you must be really keen to learn as much about them as possible and, especially importantly, you must be prepared to put in the effort needed to succeed. Ability and enthusiasm will only take you so far: putting effort in will always result in more enjoyment and understanding of your studies and ultimately, therefore, better grades.
If you can supply the ability, the enthusiasm and the hard work then the Charterhouse Online Programme is designed to make it possible for you to succeed on these demanding A-level courses in only one year. International A-Levels help open the doors to the top universities in the world.
The Programme is carefully structured on a day-by-day and week-by-week basis to enable you to learn, and remember what you have learnt, quickly and effectively. The skills of accelerated learning will not only be an asset during your time with Charterhouse Online but will also be invaluable when you embark on your university studies.
What can I study?
Charterhouse Online offers International A-Levels in Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Maths, Further Maths and Physics through live lessons, subject clinics and carefully structured self study together with individually tailored support for your university applications.
If you want to find out more, do visit our website or email us at [email protected].
See Charterhouse’s online listing here.