Chinthurst Get Connected for Children’s Mental Health Week

By School House

2 years ago

Let’s Connect was the Children’s Mental Health week theme this year, with a focus on making meaningful connections with others to support wellbeing. All year groups in the school enjoyed activities designed to build connections and have lots of fun.

 Year 6 children enjoyed connecting with each other (Photo: Chinthurst School)
Year 6 children enjoyed connecting with each other (Photo: Chinthurst School)

The week was launched in a whole school assembly last Monday when the children listened to a wonderful poem by Matt Goodfellow, which sums up beautifully how the Chinthurst community always comes together to support one another. The assembled year groups were encouraged to talk about what it means to connect and all the different ways that relationships can be formed with each other. From playing on a team together to sharing an outside hobby, the children had lots of ideas and enthusiastically participated in the discussions.

The children enjoyed activities during Children's Mental Health week (Chinthurst School)
The children enjoyed activities during Children’s Mental Health week (Chinthurst School)

As the week progressed, each year group took part in activities involving teamwork and developing connections. Then on Friday there was a Dress to Express day when everyone was encouraged to come to school wearing something that best expressed themselves. A colourful array of attire could be seen across the school and everyone, from teachers and children to office staff and the Head and Deputy Head, enjoyed having the chance to express themselves in lots of different and colourful ways.

The children enjoyed Dress to Express day as part of the Children's Mental Health Week activities (Photo: Chinthurst School)
The children enjoyed Dress to Express day as part of the Children’s Mental Health Week activities (Photo: Chinthurst School)

Head of Pastoral Care, George McWilliams, was delighted with the children’s enthusiasm and thoughtfulness during the week’s activities. ‘Relationships are a fundamental part of the Chinthurst ethos and the school recognises that strong connections significantly boost a child’s sense of wellbeing. Being able to connect with others is an essential skill and a vital part of good mental health. The week’s Let’s Connect theme reminded us all of the strength of our school community and the importance of the meaningful relationships we have within it.’

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