Cranleigh Prep Pupil Represents England in Chess
8 years ago
Xavier competed in the U15 category despite only being 12

During the Easter holidays Xavier Laurillard, who is in Year 7 at Cranleigh Prep School, joined 20 other children to represent England in a major junior chess competition in Eastern Europe.
The ‘Turnaj sachovych nadeji’ competition, which is held in Frydek Mistek, the Czech Republic, is known for its high-standard of chess. The competition took place over six days and as well as competing, the youngsters were able to see some cultural sights, such as trips to museums and a war memorial.
Xavier scored 2.5/8 over the six-day competition which hosted competitors from nine countries. This is a fantastic result especially considering his tender age; due to his October birthday he competed in the U15 category despite only being 12 and he was the youngest player in the U15 England team.
‘It’s a significant achievement,’ said headmaster, Michael Wilson. ‘To finish with a couple of excellent wins playing international competitors who were much older than him.’
The competition was even covered on Czech Republic television news! Congratulations to Xavier and all those who competed.