Dauntsey’s School Parents’ Association Awards Travel Scholarships

By School House

3 years ago

Travel Scholarship
Tom and Jonty

Dauntsey’s School Parents’ Association (DSPA) has awarded its annual Travel Scholarship to Sixth Formers Tom and Jonty, who plan to bike pack across South America and investigate how climate change is impacting those living there.

The pair plan to set off in October this year, returning in May 2023. They will use the trusted TDA Global Cycling route as a guide. Both students have a great deal of cycling experience and are well placed to take on this adventure.

They were two of a group of Sixth Formers who presented their application to a selection committee, setting out trip objectives, itineraries and budgets. The aim of the DSPA Scholarship is to promote the development of initiative and independence through purposeful travel. The award takes the form of a sum or money, based on a percentage of the overall cost of the winning entry, and will be up to the maximum value of £1,000.

Tom and Jonty said about their bid for funding;

‘We chose South America due to its high biodiversity and fascinating cultures. By choosing bike packing as our method of transportation, we believe that we will have a rich cultural experience. We can use distinct points of interest and study how factors are affecting climate change there.’ 

Simone Wilmot, Chair, DSPA, said:

‘We were very impressed with all the proposals. Each pupil presented their application with depth and determination. The winners were selected on the basis of their ambition, sense of adventure, understanding of the risks involved and the level of research they had undertaken. We look forward to hearing about their adventures when they return.’

See Dauntsey’s online listing here.