Dolphin School Trust Named ‘Excellent’ In Their Recent Inspection

By School House

2 years ago

Sam Gosden, Head Teacher of Dolphin School, has shared a letter he has written following their recent inspection

Dear Friends of Dolphin School,

It is with great pleasure that I am writing to share the results of our latest inspection from the Independent Schools Inspectorate. Dolphin School Trust (Inc. Noah’s Ark Nurseries) has been awarded the highest possible standard of ‘Excellent’.

As you can imagine, we are incredibly proud of our school’s achievement. The report is wonderfully positive about the schools governance, leadership, staff and pupils, and the findings demonstrate an understanding of a school that is strong and robust throughout. This accolade is a reminder to you of the excellent work that takes place at Dolphin School and its nurseries every day, and I have selected three quotes from the final report for you to enjoy. To view a full version of the report, please click here.

‘Throughout the school, secure progress is achieved across the curriculum by all pupils who benefit from leaders’ regular monitoring of attainment, where data is used effectively to identify pupils’ needs at an early stage. High expectations of staff and pupils’ own self-discipline enable pupils to make positive transitions within their school and are successful in attaining places in senior schools and those that require success in 11+ examinations.’

‘In the EYFS children make excellent progress due to the rigorous assessment process that highlights areas of strength and weakness and identifies children’s next steps.’

‘They [pupils] nurture and care for each other and show a wealth of kindness and friendship, reflecting the ethos of the school. In an open and affirming environment, pupils care for each other at times of vulnerability and show kindness and friendship in abundance. Pupils know where to seek help and embrace a resilient approach to challenges that they may face. They have a robust sense of well-being and a positive attitude to life.’

It may have been some time since you last visited Dolphin School and Noah’s Ark Nurseries. If you would like to see the wonderful changes at the school and meet myself or Mrs Benson our registrar, please do not hesitate to contact my PA, Mrs Akinremi [email protected] who will be happy to arrange an appointment.

We look forward to seeing you at Dolphin School and Noah’s Ark Nurseries in the near future.

Kind regards,

Sam Gosden, Head Teacher

Dolphin School, London
Dolphin School, London

See Dolphin School’s online listing here.