Croydon High School Receive Artsmark Gold Award

By Anoop Bhuller

9 months ago

Croydon High School are celebrating receiving an Artsmark Gold Award, the creative quality standard for schools. 

Girls taking part in Arts Week 2023  performing in Midsummer Night's Dream

Girls taking part in Arts Week 2023 performing in Midsummer Night’s Dream

The award helps schools to develop arts and culture education and incorporate creativity into the curriculum.

Director of Teaching & Learning and Head of Art and 3D Design at Croydon High School, Elizabeth Smith, says: ‘Over the last four years we have been working on our statement of impact and as a school community developing our provision for the arts and culture within our curriculum and we are looking forward to developing our journey further.’

Chief Executive of the Arts Council, Dr Darren Henley, commented: ‘Becoming an artsmark school demonstrates that through offering a broad, ambitious, and creative curriculum, every pupil can develop character and resilience, increasing their knowledge, curiosity and skills that will remain with them through to adult life.’

Junior and Senior Students collaborating to paint ‘Gloria’ the Giraffe - a collaborative piece of art for ‘Croydon Standws Tall’ to raise awareness for CRISIS

Junior and Senior Students collaborating to paint ‘Gloria’ the Giraffe – a collaborative piece of art for ‘Croydon Standws Tall’ to raise awareness for CRISIS

The report from the assessor noted that the children have enjoyed regular opportunities to showcase their work. Next year, students are due to take part in the annual musical – the 2024 performance being Beauty & the Beast. They also participate in fun art-based activities such as making furniture out of newspaper.