Staff from Bede’s Trust have taken part in the Beachy Head Marathon, running 400km and 11.074 in elevation.

Pete and David after running the marathon

Pete and David after running the marathon

The team of staff helped raise funds towards the Sixth Form Transformational Bursaries. 

CEO and Head of the school, Peter Goodyer, said: ‘The Bede’s community embraced the opportunity be part of the Beachy Head marathon, a remarkable event that not only tested our endurance but also fueled our passion for making a difference.’

‘The Foundation has an unwavering commitment to change lives and I am most grateful to all those members of the Bede’s community who braved the elements and took on the Beachy Head course for this cause.’

Team picture at the Beachy Head race

Team picture at the Beachy Head race

Director of Sport at Bede’s, David Byrne, took part in the Ultra Marathon. He commented: ‘Despite the less than ideal weather conditions, the unwavering support from people who braved the elements to cheer us on was fantastic.’

Chair of the Bede’s Development Foundation, Simon Smith who also took part says: ‘This was by far the toughest marathon I’ve run but it was made all the more enjoyable by a tremendous sense of Bede’s team spirit at the start line, throughout the course and at the finish line too – the marshalls, supporters (including Mrs Smith) and checkpoint volunteers, who were all out in conditions throughout the day, were amazing.’