The judges in this year’s Monmouth Science Fair said the standard of entries were the best they have seen.

Raglan Primary School pupils celebrate their trophy success with event organiser, Dr Sion Wall, from Monmouth Prep School.
Raglan Primary School pupils celebrate their trophy success with event organiser, Dr Sion Wall, from Monmouth Prep School

Raglan Primary School won this year’s Science Fair, with Monmouth Prep School finishing in second place and Usk Primary School taking third place.

Reglan’s winning entry was named ‘The Simple Circuit Made Fun’.

Pupils at Monmouth Prep School finished runners-up.
Pupils at Monmouth Prep School finished runners-up

Monmouth Prep’s project questioned which toothpaste brand works best, which also highly impressed the judges.

Event organiser and Teacher at Monmouth Prep School, Dr Wall, said: ‘The high standard of research and science at the fair never fails to amaze me.’

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