Salisbury Cathedral School Announce Griffith Chapel Organ Scholarships and How to Apply
2 years ago

Salisbury Cathedral School is looking for one boy and one girl to become ‘Griffith Chapel Organ Scholars’. The two year pipe organ scholarship programme will commence in September 2023 or September 2024, and run for the two Upper Prep years (school years 7 and 8). The successful candidates will enjoy:
- Weekly term time organ lessons (30 per year)
- Regular performance opportunities
- 20% school fee remission
- Access to further (significant) means tested bursary funding
Potential organ scholars need to be:
- Grade 5, or equivalent, on piano or keyboard OR already learning the organ
- To be in current school year 5 or 6
- Interested in music and potentially pursing a musical career
To apply, please email [email protected]

A thank you to their sponsors
The two new organ scholarship places have been made possible by the generosity of Paul Griffiths and his wife Joanna Marsh. Paul Griffiths is CEO of Dubai Aiports and also a Vice President, and former Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Royal College of Organists. Joanna Marsh is a British composer of choral and orchestral works. Joanna won an Ivors Composer Award in 2022.
Paul Griffiths said: ‘My wife Joanna Marsh and myself have been keenly devoted to Cathedral music for most of our lives and are motivated to perpetuate this wonderful tradition. We are keen to support the introduction of young people to the rewarding and beneficial study of the organ and its repertoire.’

See Salisbury Cathedral’s online listing here.