Tonbridge School’s Learning Mentor Scheme
2 years ago

Tonbridge boys are gaining new perspectives on teaching and learning by taking part in the school’s Learning Mentor Programme.
Each year, around 80 boys volunteer to become mentors in a scheme which has now been running successfully at the School for more than a decade.

First Years (Year 9) commence their training by working with expert staff in the Learning Strategies Department: the boys sacrifice some spare time, such as their Monday lunchbreaks, in order to be fully immersed in the programme.
Led by Hayley McLintock, Head of Learning Strategies, the training includes developing mentors’ numeracy, literacy and communication skills, as well as broadening their understanding of how to support neurodiverse pupils in their learning.

Later in the academic year, and throughout the Second Year (Year 10), the mentors host weekly visits from children at nearby Royal Rise Primary School. Boys help to teach those pupils who have either learning or pastoral needs, working with them on a one-to-one basis, with a staff member close at hand to lend advice if required.
As well as supporting key areas of the primary curriculum, the mentors also take part in enrichment activities with the pupils. These include visits to the Barton Science Centre, a music-into-literacy session in the School Chapel, an outdoor performance poetry workshop featuring primary pupils’ original Haiku poetry, and an end-of-year rounders tournament complete with ice creams and prizes.

Mrs McLintock said: ‘The mentoring adds real value both to the boys’ all-round education here at Tonbridge, and to the visiting pupils’ learning experiences, and very quickly strong bonds are formed. The sense of expectation and enthusiasm when they pair up each week is quite extraordinary.
‘The boys show great dedication in their roles as mentors, and we’re thrilled to contribute to a project we believe has a very positive impact in our community.’ Sarah Griggs, Head of School for Royal Rise, added: ‘Tonbridge’s programme has played a vital role in helping is achieve our recent ‘Good’ Ofsted report. Its staff and boys have always supported us, giving the children opportunities beyond those we could provide purely on our own.’

When the mentors move into the Third Year (Year 11), they take part in the School’s internal mentoring programme, in which they offer support to younger Tonbridge boys making their GCSE option choices and preparing for public exams.
Once in the Sixth Form, mentors progress to becoming skilled subject specialists, coaching Third Years and advising them on effective study skills and revision techniques. The School also has specialist Modern Language mentors in the Lower Sixth, who run a weekly drop-in clinic for those taking languages up to GCSE level.
See Tonbridge School’s online listing here.