EIFA International School tells us all about its webradio which started in the Senior School and now benefits the entire school.


At EIFA, we are firm believers in the importance of openness to innovation, problem-solving skills, and adaptability. These key elements form part of the core of our curriculum, which was designed to instil in our pupils. the foundations of creativity, self-regulation, emotional intelligence and initiative, as well the capacity to connect and collaborate.

Such attributes are not only sought after by employers and higher education establishments but have now become essential criteria in selection processes. With that in mind, EIFA implemented various activities and initiatives, combining academic learning with technology and modern media. 

The webradio is one such activity, which was launched in early 2020. Pupils gain valuable experience running their own web-based radio shows, working as part of a team to produce and broadcast programs. It allows them to use and develop their oral and written expression skills and engage in creative activities, while learning to master the production and broadcasting techniques, and equipment of radio programmes over the internet. Both exciting and innovative, the initiative has given our pupils a voice as well as the opportunity to enhance and deepen their sense of community and, more importantly, to build their self-confidence.

Originally launched in the Senior School, the webradio has now been extended to the Junior School, and teachers in both schools have undergone the necessary training. 

Children as early as Reception, are now learning to use the equipment, with great enthusiasm.

Programmes vary according to the age group and can be based on current affairs or specific topics. Some broadcasts focus on special events within the school, such as the recent Year 6 studies for Poetry Day.

The webradio unites staff and pupils in their passion for innovation and creative freedom, while building something truly remarkable as a community. It also opens doors to our pupils, creating links with local and international organisations.

In recognition of the quality of its webradio initiative, EIFA was invited to participate in International School Webradio Day at the annual conference organised by the Mission Laïque Française (MLF) in Rabat, Morocco. EIFA was one of only seven schools chosen out of 80 worldwide applicants.

For this third edition of the conference, two EIFA Year 10 pupils were part of a young team that interviewed keynote speakers on societal and school issues throughout the proceedings and produced podcasts for the MLF website. This event was a great opportunity for our pupils to meet with peers from all over the world and delve into real life problems.


About EIFA

EIFA is a premium international and bilingual independent co-educational day school based in Central London, with 300 children from Nursery to Year 13. Classes are taught in small groups to ensure that pupils receive individual support and are able to develop their full potential.

School visits are available all year round. So, come and visit us and arrange for your child to enjoy a day of immersion.

Please book your visit by contacting our Registrar at [email protected] 


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