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Babington House School

By Coby F

3 years ago

Babington House

Address: Grange Drive, Chislehurst BR7 5ES
Website: www.babingtonhouse.com
Founded: 1887
Number of Pupils: 435 Co-ed from 3 to 18 years
Fees: Nursery £3,950; Preparatory £4,590; Senior & Sixth Form £5,725 per term (inclusive of lunch)
Ages: 3-18
Head Teacher: Mr T Lello, MA, FRSA, NPQH, PGCE
Religious Affiliation: Christian ethos
Entrance Procedure: Age appropriate assessments and report from the head of the pupil’s current school. Admissions at 11 and 16 via exam and interview.
Contact: Admissions Registrar, tel: 020 8467 5537
Email: [email protected]
School Visits: October and March open mornings. Personal visits all year round by appointment.

The Curriculum

Babington House School strives for academic rigour in all areas and encourages pupils to become confident and able to think for themselves. GCSE’s are taken in Year 11 and A Levels in Year 13.

Games & The Arts

We are committed to outstanding music, drama, sport and the arts in their broadest sense and we offer a wide selection of clubs, societies and extra-curricular opportunities which go on before, during and after school.

Pastoral Care

Well known for its happy and supportive environment and, consistent with our aim of developing each child individually, pastoral care is one of our greatest strengths. The children are well cared for in small groups, with a form teacher who gets to know them well and with whom parents are encouraged to communicate. Our qualified Teaching Assistants are also essential in providing a very high and professional level of pastoral care.

University Places

A-level results are excellent and university applications very well supported achieving the first choice of university for the majority of our Sixth Form pupils.

Head Teacher’s Philosophy

The boys and girls receive a first class education and enjoy coming to school. They grow in confidence and maturity in the time they are with us and make very close friendships. We provide an academic environment which is tailored to the needs of your child, believing that bright pupils benefit from carefully monitored and well directed learning, where self- discipline is highly prized and where everyone is known as an individual.

Outstanding Characteristics

An ‘Excellent’ School. Highest level achieved in all areas and across every age group from 3 to 18.  (ISI School Inspection November 2016)