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Barrow Hills School

By Coby F

3 years ago


Address: Barrow Hills School, Roke Lane, Witley, Surrey, GU8 5NY

Website: https://www.barrowhills.org/

Founded: 1951

Number of Pupils: 200

Ages: 2-13

Fees: Day: £15,975

Head Teacher: Mr Philip Oldroyd

Religious Affiliation: Christian

Entrance Procedure: Informal interview and assessment

Contact: Registrar, Mrs Pauline McBrown

Email: [email protected]

School Visits: Open Mornings are held every term or personal tours are available upon request.

The Curriculum

Our broad curriculum offers a wide range of opportunities for children to develop not only their knowledge and understanding, but also the learning habits needed to set them up for the future.

Games & the Arts

Academic subjects are vital to any child’s education and we are proud of our children’s achievements. From our perspective, the same level of drive and expectation is equally applicable to the expressive arts, sport and activities. Why should it be otherwise?

Pastoral Care

We aspire to educate the whole child. We provide the highest levels of pastoral care, encouraging children to fulfil their aspirations and potential within an atmosphere of mutual respect and compassion. Our staff know the children; what makes them ‘tick’ and what makes them happy. Staff give children the time they need, they care about their happiness and aim to develop the thoughtful, caring side of their characters as well as their intellect and ambition.

University Places

Scholarships achieved across subjects to a wide range of senior schools.

Head Teacher’s Philosophy

A happy child is a successful one. Our children are challenged within a positive, diverse community of learners and are stretched at a time appropriate to them, helping them to aspire to achieve their individual best. Balanced with an ethos of strong pastoral care, children become well-rounded high achievers.

Outstanding Characteristics

· Teaching incorporates the best of academic and creative practice, delivered using state of the art technology;

· Staff provide the highest levels of pastoral care;

· Specialist teaching in sport, music and French from Nursery;

· Proven track record of Common Entrance and Scholarship success;

· Our partner school provides a wealth of facilities beyond the reach of most stand alone Preparatory schools.