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Cheltenham Prep School

By Anoop Bhuller

12 months ago

Address: Thirlestaine Road, Cheltenham GL53 7AB
Website: www.cheltenhamcollege.org/the-prep/
Founded: 1841
Number of Pupils: 438
Ages: 3-13
Head Teacher: Mr Tom O’Sullivan
Religious Affiliation: Christian
Entrance Procedure: Cheltenham Prep School is selective. Depending on the year group of entry, pupils will sit a CAT4 assessment, an English paper and a Maths paper.
Contact: Duncan Simpson, Deputy Head (Admissions)
Email: [email protected]
School Visits: To book a visit, please email [email protected]

The Curriculum

Jump into a world of excitement, engagement and ambition! The curriculum at Cheltenham Prep sees pupils enthused in the subjects they encounter, developing as resilient, divergent and creative thinkers. Classes buzz with energy as pupils are active participants of hands-on learning each and every day.

Games & the Arts

Cheltenham Prep provides children with the opportunity to participate in and succeed at a wide range of sports. From Hockey to Netball, Rowing and Football, there is a sport on offer for everyone to enjoy! Music and Drama are part of life at all levels of The Prep from Nursery School through to Year 8.  

Pastoral Care

A confident and happy child is a child who is free to focus on their learning and development. Children learn in small classes and have daily contact with their Form Teacher, meaning we really get to know your child, their character, interests, and ambitions. We foster a growth mindset and an inquisitive attitude both inside and outside the classroom. Our aim is to create an atmosphere in which your child learns how to get the best out of themselves and is unafraid to take risks and make mistakes.

Head Teacher’s Philosophy

Every child deserves their schooldays to be magical, something to be loved at the time and remembered fondly for years to come. Our job as educators, is to inspire the children, to bring excitement and intrigue into every lesson. Having amazing facilities is wonderful, but it is the teacher in the classroom who can engage and motivate each child that really makes the difference! 

Outstanding Characteristics

  • Cheltenham Prep is an adventure in education! 
  • A country prep school in the centre of a thriving Cotswold Spa Town; Cheltenham. 
  • A fantastic all-round option for Day and Boarding pupils.