Struggling With Concentration? Here’s How To Read Faster (And Enjoy It)
7 months ago
David Aylwin shares his tips

So you’ve barely got time to squint at a novela and you can forget War and Peace. Forever. How about setting aside a morning or two to try David Aylwin’s Read Faster, Read Smarter – an online course in fast, effective reading? It’ll soon have you helping your kids with the most efficient way to do their homework and then whizzing through those books you always wanted to read.
Read Faster, Read Smarter: How To Improve Your Reading Habits
You’re a worse driver when you go too slowly on the motorway. Reading’s the same. If you thought learning to read at age six was enough to set you up for life, think again. Effectively you’re still your six year-old reading self. You are taught no more than the rudiments at school. You then ‘do your own thing’ and unknowingly fall into bad habits – such as skipping backwards, reading word by word (as you were taught), and hearing all the words in your head (you learnt to read Janet and John out aloud, didn’t you?). As a result, you read too slowly, lose concentration, waste time and, worse still, often forget much of what you’ve read.
It needn’t be so. Stuff need not be boring; stuff can be remembered. You need to know how.
The man who’s affectionately dubbed the ‘Batman of the reading world,’ David Aylwin, Founder of Reading Transformations, is one of the world authorities on advanced reading skills. He works in the UK, doing battle with your inner Joker – that Joker who makes you read as s-l-o-w-l-y, as you were taught. (That’s nearly everyone, unless you are already a lawyer who has learnt how to gobble print at the speed of sound.) David works online.
David will guide you through print and onscreen reading and rid you of your nasty bad habits – teaching you to read in straight lines and to devour text in chunks. Over the course of six hours, you’ll master eye control, discover what to do if you lose concentration, be given comprehension tests, practise fast finger reading and grasp how to remember more.
‘Batman’ David is the recommended go-to man for students (and sometimes teachers) at Eton, Harrow and Le Rosey in Switzerland. Oh – he also has frequent students from St Mary’s Calne, Wycombe Abbey, Oundle, Marlborough, Tonbridge, Winchester. Additionally, participants log on from other schools in the US, Australia, Dubai, and China.
If you’re a university student having a panic attack looking at the copious amounts of reading you have to do, the course can help you keep up with the demands of your degree. (Bonas MacFarlane, a leading tutoring firm, works especially with university students and recommends the course.) David also helps business and professional people who typically have much to read and never enough time.
David is zealous about recommending his course. And why not when virtually everyone he’s taught says that it has revolutionised their reading – saving them huge amounts of time as well as helping them to concentrate better understand and retain more? After just a day, you’ll have doubled or trebled your reading speed and improved your focus and understanding.
Now where’s that copy of War and Peace? Or maybe you’d like to try out James Patterson’s 114 bestsellers?
For more information, visit or email [email protected]