Social Justice Organisations To Support Now
5 years ago
A guide to anti-racist charities

Looking for ways to help the Black Lives Matter cause? Below we share some social justice organisations you can donate to, all of which are working towards the same goal: to create a world where racism does not exist.
Social Justice Organisations To Support Now
Show Racism The Red Card
During the 1990s, then Newcastle United goalkeeper Shaka Hislop was at a petrol station near St James Park when he was confronted with a group of young people shouting racist abuse at him. When one of the group realised who he was, however, they came over to ask him for an autograph. It was this experience that made Hislop realise he could harness his status as a professional football player to make a difference – and it was partly thanks to Hislop’s donation that Show Racism The Red Card was able to launch. At the charity’s first ever event, Hislop and fellow teammate John Beresford visited a school in the North East to discuss their experiences. Today the organisation continues to utilise football and other sports to help tackle racism in society, mainly through educational workshops held in schools and workplaces.
The Runnymede Trust
UK think tank Runnymede helps build up a body of evidence on areas surrounding race equality. Recent publications covered topics such as migration, Islamophobia and inequalities in Northern towns.
The Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust
Launched in memory of Stephen Lawrence, who was murdered in a racist attack in 1993, this trust aims to inspire young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. The company runs programmes in schools and communities, as well as working in businesses to ensure diversity in recruitment.
Institute of Race Relations
The Institute of Race Relations was established back in 1958 as an independent educational charity, but in 1972 it transformed into an anti-racist think tank. Since then the organisation has launched numerous investigations into issues of contemporary British racism, from the plight of asylum seekers to attacks on multiculturalism. It’s also responsible for publishing quarterly journal Race & Class, as well as running IRR News, an online alternative news service which works to combat racism and ‘give a voice to the voiceless’.
Campaign Zero
A project of the non-profit organisation, WeTheProtesters, Campaign Zero was created to find effective solutions to end police violence. All funds raised go towards supporting the analysis of policing practices across America, technical assistance to organisers leading police accountability campaigns and the development of model legislation.
The Loveland Foundation
In 2018, Ohio-born author and activist Rachel Cargle started a birthday wish fundraiser for black women and girls seeking mental health therapy. This raised over $25,000, which inspired Cargle to set up The Loveland Foundation as a continuation of her efforts. This year, the goal is to provide over 1000 women with financial support for four to eight therapy sessions.
Stop Hate UK
Founded in 1995 following the murder of Stephen Lawrence, Hate UK is committed to supporting people affected by all forms of hate crime across the country. It works to encourage reporting of hate crime and support those affected, as well as acting as an alternative for those who do not wish to report crimes to the police.
Discrimination Law Association
A non-profit network, The DLA works to improve equality law by bringing together a range of law practitioners, policy experts and academics. It helps shape policy by proactively raising issues of concern, submitting responses to government consultations and participating in conferences and seminars.
Black Voices in Literature To Read Now / Documentaries About Race