Zoe Telford On The Lazarus Project Season 2 – Interview

By Olivia Emily

11 months ago

Catch up on Now TV

Have you been tuning into the second season of The Lazarus Project on Sky? If so, you might recognise Zoe Telford, who plays a genius astrophysicist; she even scrubbed up on the technicals in preparation. We sat down with Zoe to hear all about filming.

Interview: Zoe Telford

Zoe Telford

© David Reiss

Hi Zoe, how’s life going at the moment?

Pretty fine.

You can currently be seen in The Lazarus Project – can you give us an elevator pitch for the show? 

Bucketloads of brilliant and charismatic actors crammed into a thrilling piece of escapism written by the excellent Joe Barton.

What can we expect from season two?  

Moral quandaries, irreverent wit and a whole lot of action.

How would you describe your character? 

A genius astrophysicist who’s building a time machine.

What was it like playing her? 

Well, she’s a bit of an outlier, obviously! Those characters are always fun to play, but it can also be pretty solitary at times. I think she’s a badass. She’s a renegade, too – and this show already has more than its fair share of those!

How did you get into character/prepare for the role?

I read a bit about black holes and quarks, though quarks are, I think, more quantum physics. Quarks are strange! Well, one of them is. The other flavours are up, down, charm, top and bottom.

Any funny stories from filming? 

Watching the actors trying to work out which time loop they were in, on any given filming day, would probably have been pretty funny for the crew. It was a daily conundrum.

What is the cast dynamic? Who was your fave person to work with? 

I think this group of people is just such a triumph. A really beautiful ensemble, and that goes for all the crew in Cardiff, too!

What has been your favourite project to date? 

I’m going to say this one. And the one before that. See below!

Any roles in the pipeline that you’re excited about? (If you’re  allowed to tell us!) 

A new show called Red Eye – I’m really looking forward to seeing how that turns out. It was with another lovely bunch, so I’m feeling pretty lucky at the moment.

Who has been your favourite person to work with in the past?

Too many good eggs to name just one…

Which co-star did you learn the most from?

Rupert Evans once told me that if you practice your lines holding your tongue between your thumb and your forefinger – it’s a really good way to get your mouth around the words. He was right! And I do it religiously to this very day…

What’s a genre you’d like to do more of?

I like good writing across the board.

Do you get to spend much time at home? 

You bet.

Do you live in the town or the country? Which do you prefer? 

I live in the countryside, which always slightly surprises me. I love it as long as I have the other, too. I’m in London often enough to get my fix and work takes me places.

What’s your interior design style? 

I like to imagine one day I might have one of these!

How do you find balance in your personal and work lives? 

The million dollar question for all parents everywhere. Muddling through is a pretty consistent approach.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

I think I’ve always been a performer.

If you could give advice to your 15-year-old self, what would it be?  

Strap in. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride for a few years!

Anything fun in the pipeline – professionally or personally?

Showtrial series two – which I’m about to start filming and really looking forward to.

Zoe Telford

© David Reiss

Quick Fire

I’m currently watching… Ghosts on the BBC

What I’m reading… Geneva by Richard Armitage

The last thing I watched (and loved) was… Triangle of Sadness, Ruben Östlund

What I’m most looking forward to seeing… Poor Things, Yorgos Lanthimos

Favourite film of all time… That’s an impossible question

Favourite song of all time… And so is this one!

Band/singer I always have on repeat… I will never tire of watching Janelle Monáe in the ‘Tightrope’ video. Gives me the feels every time.

My ultimate cultural recommendation… The podcast ‘This Cultural Life’ with John Wilson is really good

Cultural guilty pleasure… Sometimes, I will watch films in the morning. Which, as a busy mum of two, feels outrageous.

What’s next for me is… I’m happy to say that, finally, it’s Christmas!

Watch Zoe Telford in The Lazarus Project at nowtv.com