The Story Behind The Peninsula London’s Perfect Feng Shui
5 months ago
The hotel's Feng Shui master weighs in

Step into the newly-opened Peninsula London and you just might feel it: a rather striking, almost indescribable sense of calm. This, it seems, is down the entire hotel‘s perfectly balanced Feng Shui, which was ensured by the Pensinula’s very own Feng Shui master. We asked the team to share their secrets.
How To Achieve Perfect Feng Shui, According To A Feng Shui Master
Feng Shui: The Basics
Bringing together two vital elements – feng, the Chinese term of wind, and shui, the word for water – Feng Shui an ancient practice that involves rearranging objects within a space to create a sense of harmony. It’s all about balancing the flow of energy that each object harnesses.
While Feng Shui can help bring calm into your home, it can also be used on a much larger scale – and it’s particularly fundamental to the Peninsula hotel brand. Every Peninsula hotel is, in fact, overseen by Lui Chun (呂駿), a seventh-generation Feng Shui master. His family has served the Chinese royal family and the state since the Yuan Dynasty, around 900 years ago.
The History Of Feng Shui At The Peninsula
Beginning with the first of The Peninsula Hotels which opened in Hong Kong almost a century ago, Asian cultural influences filter through to all 12 outposts around the world. This includes honouring the principles of Feng Shui, especially in new projects. It was, subsequently, instrumental to the opening of the brand new Peninsula London.
According to The Peninsula team, the brand utilises Feng Shui to ‘enhance each hotel’s offering by promoting harmony, relaxation and well-being to guests, staff and visitors.
‘By optimising the flow of energy and arranging furniture, lighting, and other elements in balance, Feng Shui creates a more inviting and unique atmosphere that attracts and retains customers,’ the team says.
The idea is that creating this balance ‘leads to increased guest satisfaction, and ultimately contributes to the hotel’s success,’ the team shares. ‘In addition, The Peninsula believes that Feng Shui contributes to the wellbeing of staff, fostering a harmonious and positive work environment that translates into better customer service.’
Feng Shui At The Peninsula London
When it comes to The Peninsula London, the team explains that Feng Shui Master Lui Chun was consulted ‘throughout construction, from the ground-breaking in 2017 through to opening in September 2023. He advised on the energy flow throughout the eight-storey, 190-room building.’
The team also notes that Lui Chun was ‘invited to bless the property via carefully choreographed Bai Sun ceremonies’ – traditional rituals held at the beginning of construction projects, with the hope of bringing good luck.
Lui Chun really was involved in every step of the process, right up until the all-important launch day in autumn 2023. The team reveals that he ‘suggested the opening date (12 September 2023) and time (8.08AM), and even determined the precise minute the reception team should hand over the very first room key to ensure good fortune.’
The final flourish, however, involved ‘auspicious time capsules’ (with the contents approved by Lui Chun, of course). These were ‘placed within the marble lions that guard the entrances of The Peninsula London, welcoming guests and ensuring their safety and contentment within.’
Practice Makes Perfect
So, the building might be blessed (and guarded by lions) but what about its interiors? According to the team, the design of each room was mapped out, tweaked and continuously re-adjusted before any decisions were made. The ‘design and flow’ of the guest bedrooms, for example, ‘was perfected through various model rooms that were built and tested in Hong Kong and London before opening.’ Perfect Feng Shui, it seems, is all about practice.
A Deluxe Room at The Peninsula London starts at £1,300 per night.