Hanford School Welcomes A New Head
12 months ago
Mrs Hilary Phillips has joined Hanford School for the start of the academic year.
Mrs Phillips joins from Benenden School where she was Head of the Lower School.
She said: ‘As a newcomer, I still see Hanford through ‘new eyes’ – the beautiful grounds and setting, the happiness and carefree attitude of the girls, the dedication of our teachers and the huge array of adventures and experiences that are part of a normal day for the girls at Hanford.
‘To say I feel lucky would be an understatement. I look forward to showing our wonderful school to prospective parents at our Open Morning on Saturday 14th October; Hanford really has to be seen to be believed. The kind of education we are able to offer our pupils is increasingly rare in our busy, pressurised world.’
The Start Of A New Term At Hanford
The first weekend back at Hanford for pupils was spent splashing around in the pool, having a BBQ and playing games on the lawn.
On the first Sunday, the girls sang hymns in the chapel followed by a roast lunch, ice-cream and a peak at the railway exhibition.
To book a place at the next Open Morning please contact Karen on 01258 860219 or [email protected]