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Dorset House School

By Coby F

3 years ago

Address: The Manor, Church Lane, Bury, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 1PB
Website: www.dorsethouseschool.com
Founded: 1784
Number of Pupils: Circa 150
Ages: 4 – 13
Fees: (termly) £3,355 (Reception) to £6,760 (Year 8). Boarding may vary.
Head Teacher: Matt Thomas M.Ed BA Ed (Hons) (Exeter) FRGS
Religious Affiliation: Church of England
Entrance Procedure: Non-Selective – offers based on ‘taster days’ and school reports
Contact: Admissions Registrar, Sarah O’Brien
Email: [email protected]
School Visits: Prospective parents are always welcome to make an appointment to visit and meet the Headmaster

The Curriculum

Academic rigour with focus on ‘skills for life’. Plenty of ‘micro opportunities’ which build children’s confidence. Bespoke Year 7 and 8 curriculum ensures preparation for senior school and life beyond. 

Games & the Arts

Games taught by specialised staff throughout.Competitive matches weekly for all children. Ambitious staff encourage participation and improvement. Music taught by inspirational Kodaly specialist. 90+ per cent of children have individual instrument lessons. Art and DT department produce impressive, high quality work.

Pastoral Care

This really is a family school where children thrive in an inclusive ‘high challenge/low threat’ atmosphere. Staff know all the children. At weekly staff meetings, any issues affecting children, however small, are discussed. Our boarders grow in confidence within our homely setting. Our leadership programme ensures that children ‘have a go’ and do not fear failure and our Independent Listener is available to help with any bumps in the road.

Recent Scholarships

40 per cent of leavers over the past six years have gained scholarships or awards.

Head Teacher’s Philosophy

His philosophy is reflected in that of the school, in that you only have one childhood and it is to be cherished. It is vital to give children opportunities to succeed and not to underestimate what they can achieve if given the right support and encouragement.

Outstanding Characteristics

Dorset House is a traditional yet forward thinking, high challenge/low threat environment with a palpable family ethos. Set in a stunning rural location, it offers plenty of opportunities for all pupils. Enthusiastic and committed staff. Excellent number of scholarships and awards to senior schools. Focus on preparation for senior school and life beyond. Ambitious for all children, while identifying and fostering each child’s strengths.