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By Coby F

3 years ago

Address: 333 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7PL
Website: www.doverbroecks.com
Founded: 1977
Number of Pupils: Year 7-11, 200; Sixth Form, 450
Ages: 11-18
Fees: (termly) Year 7-11 day, £7,250; Sixth Form day, £9,515; Sixth Form boarding, £15,400–£18,455 (full-time); £14,695 (weekly)
Head Teacher: Patrick Horne
Religious Affiliation: Non-denominational
Entrance Procedure: Year 7-9: application, taster day, references, entrance exams. Sixth Form: application, interview, references
Contact: Admissions, 01865 688600
Email: [email protected]
School Visits: Individual visits available by appointment. Virtual and in-person open events throughout the year – register via the website

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 The Curriculum

A broad curriculum in Years 7-11 and a varied range of 36 A-level subjects in Sixth Form. Subject choices are available in any combination; there are no option blocks. Broad range of academic enrichment options including the Extended Project Qualification.

Games & The Arts

A busy co-curricular programme of over 50 sports and activities across the school. A Tennis Academy is available to develop exceptional tennis players. Strong art, drama and music departments. New Sixth Form facilities include a dedicated Arts Centre for art, photography and textiles.

Pastoral Care

Outstanding pastoral care regularly praised by students and parents. Major strength is support and encouragement for students. d’Overbroeck’s is very much a ‘people place’ where each individual thrives. First-name terms highlight a sense of working together, underpinned by a high level of mutual respect. At the Sixth Form, each student has a Director of Studies who meets with them individually to discuss progress.

University Places

Students go to a wide variety of Higher Education institutions, some of the most popular being UCL, Bristol and Manchester. Leavers’ destinations include international universities and institutions specialising in the creative and performing arts.

Principal’s Philosophy

d’Overbroeck’s is built on personal relationships, a lack of stuffiness and a strong belief that every individual lies at the heart of the school. Students are creative, think for themselves, relish stretching the boundaries of their knowledge and do very well academically. It’s a forward-thinking school full of energy, laughter and achievement.

Outstanding Characteristics

An inclusive, collaborative approach with a strong focus on learning being enjoyable as well as successful. Students’ views are valued, while teaching is interactive and motivating in small classes. Students gain confidence expressing themselves, questioning and being independent thinkers. Outstanding value added: 55% A*/A at A-level in 2023 and 35% grades 9-8 at GCSE.