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Tower House School

By Coby F

2 years ago

Address: 188 Sheen Lane, East Sheen, London SW14 8LF
Website: thsboys.org.uk
Founded: 1931
Number of Pupils: 180
Ages: 4-13 years
Fees: Reception – Year 1£5,250 per term, Year 2 &3 £5,800 per term, Years 4-8 £5,950 per term
Head Teacher: Neill Lunnon
Religious Affiliation: Church of England
Entrance Procedure: THS is non-selective so there is no entrance test to start in Reception
Contact: Mrs Caroline Booth
Email: [email protected]
School Visits: Termly open events are held as well as weekly personal tours. Please contact the Head of Admissions to arrange

The Curriculum

THS provides a rich and exciting curriculum which encourages curiosity and allows the boys to practise the skills of thinking, debate and inquiry. Our small classes and specialised staff ensure that THS pupils are well prepared for the demands of senior school and beyond.

Games & the Arts

Identifying passions in sports, art, music and drama is something in which Tower House takes a lot of care. The award-winning performing arts programme is key to equipping pupils with flexible, transferable skills to take on challenges faced later in life.

Pastoral Care

A great emphasis is placed on the development of each boy’s character and confidence – encouraging responsibility, self-discipline and above all kindness and compassion for others. The school has a close nurturing community, where everyone knows and supports each other, allowing strong self-esteem in pupils. Our skilled and motivated staff take pride in ensuring that as well as academic strength, the ‘soft skills’ of confidence, empathy and resilience are taught.

Recent Scholarships

Pupils are placed at leading senior schools with academic, music, drama, art and sport scholarships.

Head Teacher’s Philosophy

Learning is life’s greatest adventure. We want our boys to feel inspired to explore the subjects and areas they love with open hearts and minds. This can happen because of our strong commitment and the school’s uniquely supportive environment, in which all boys feel valued and able to contribute on a daily basis.

Outstanding Characteristics

The school strongly supports and encourages the boys to try new things and challenge themselves. Recently winning Talk Education’s Innovation In Education 2023 Award for Performing Arts, as well as being selected as 2023 Finalists for the Independent School of the Year in Performing Arts, are both fantastic recognitions of the school’s unique focus and dedication in this area.