DIY Beauty: Homemade Face Masks For All Skin Types

By Rebecca Cox

1 year ago

These natural homemade recipes will give your skin a real treat

With natural beauty high on the agenda and the waste-free beauty movement gaining ground, you can’t get more eco-friendly than making your own beauty products from the contents of your cupboards. How about some homemade face mask recipes to give your complexion a boost? Being healthy shouldn’t be reserved to the kitchen. In her book The Art of the Natural Home, Rebecca Sullivan extends the mantra to the whole house, with homemade beauty and cleaning recipes for fresh scents with no chemicals. Give these homemade face masks a go…

Homemade Face Mask Recipes

Green Tea and Spirulina Face Mask Recipe

Both green tea and spirulina are thought to slow the ageing process, so pile this on your face as often as possible – and enjoy your daily cup of green tea while you’re at it. You can use peppermint or chamomile tea if you don’t have green tea.

Green Tea and Spirulina Face Mask

Makes 1 face mask


  • 1 green tea bag
  • 2 teaspoons spirulina powder


  1. Make yourself a cup of green tea and allow to steep for 4–5 minutes. You only need 6–8 drops of the tea, cooled, so drink all of it except that amount.
  2. Mix the spirulina powder and tea to make a paste.
  3. Smooth onto your face and leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Wash off with warm water and a flannel.

Blueberry and Honey Face Mask Recipe

Blueberries are filled with anti-oxidants, honey is antibacterial and you don’t have to eat them to get the benefits. This super-simple mask means they go directly into your skin. Try sourcing local honey for added health benefits, too, such as relieving hay fever. Ideally, you want fresh blueberries, but you can also make this using frozen and thawed fruit.

Makes 1–2 applications


  • 100g fresh blueberries
  • 2 tablespoons raw honey
  • 2 tablespoons raw or coconut sugar


  1. Put all the ingredients in a small food processor and blend until smooth.
  2. Add a generous layer to your clean face, and let it soak into your skin for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse clean with warm water. I would recommend making this and using it straight away or within a few days. Store in the fridge if not applying immediately and use once or twice a week.
  4. You may want to use this as an excuse to lie down for 15 minutes as it can drip down your face.

The best part is that this mask is both edible and delicious. If you take a lie down while you’re waiting for the mask to work its magic, just open your mouth and anything that happens to fall in is an added bonus.


Taken from The Art of the Natural Home by Rebecca Sullivan, published by Kyle Books, photography by Nassima Rothacker