Holistic Home: How to Detoxify Your Home & Beauty Regime

By Guest Writer

4 years ago

The founders of TINCTURE, Anastasia and Angelika, share their insight into natural and non-toxic home products

It’s time to detoxify! After the rise of healthy eating and mindfulness, it should come as no surprise that we are paying more attention to the ways in which our homes could impact our health. We’ve spoken to the founders of TINCTURE to get their guidance on creating a clean, holistic home.

Holistic Home: Detoxify Your Regime

According to the sisters behind TINCTURE, Anastasia and Angelika: ‘The Environment Protection Agency has shown the air inside your home is typically 2-5 times more polluted than the air immediately outside. We eat, drink, sleep and often work in our homes where the air circulation maybe restricted, especially in the winter.’

We need to start paying attention to our home and cleaning products, as well as the potentially toxic atmospheres in our homes and offices. 

Natural and non-toxic home products are ‘the next natural step from the growing interest in health and wellness, as well as a demand for control from the consumer – we think we will see a less-is-more approach, where consumers want honesty and awareness when it comes to ingredients in their products, but also still want luxurious products and stylish packaging,’ the co-founders of The Clean Beauty Co, Elise and Dominika, tell us.

The Clean Beauty Co. is ‘a modern, natural beauty brand on a mission to empower people to take control over what they put on their skin’ just as TINCTURE is doing for home products. The reach of natural and organic products hasn’t stopped at simply food, but now spans health, wellbeing, beauty and home.

When it comes to beauty Elise and Dominika suggest trying brands like RMS, Ilia, Kjaer Weis and Ere Perez. ‘Make-up is a really interesting space for clean beauty as it’s especially hard to replicate the performance of high street make-up  – think of those lipsticks that don’t budge for 16 hours. More and more natural brands are cropping up, so watch this space…’

For a quick fix, try the 1001 Remedies PurAir, air purifying spray which works to instantly detoxify the air and reinforce your immune system from any germs and bad bacteria with essential oils.

The experts from TINCTURE chatted to us about detoxing, but not as you know it.

A guide to detoxifying you home

What are the key ways we can detoxify our homes?

First and foremost, try and reduce your families’ exposure to the following five key chemicals: bisphenola, phthalates, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate and benzyl alcohol. Unfortunately, they are commonly found in most household products and cosmetics. Research shows that the effect of these chemicals can range from endocrine disruption to skin irritation and headaches, so it is important to read labels to determine if these chemicals are present, and to what degree, in the products you are buying.

Try to avoid, or at least minimise, the use of stringent cleaning materials such as bleach, remember, everything that is flushed down the sink goes straight into our water systems and into our environment. Where you can, detoxify and keep it natural.

To keep air fresh, open windows on a regular basis – fresh air and active air circulation is important and often forgotten. But it is not just about the air quality of our in-home environments, detoxifying is also about creating a feeling of wellbeing in our homes, to be comfortable, healthy and happy.

Why do you think natural and organic home and beauty products are such a trend for 2017?

The last few years has seen a definite switch in consumer behaviour to become both more conscious of one’s personal health and wellbeing, and more accountable to the environment around us. Much more so than in the past, people are becoming far more aware of the differences that choosing natural and organic products can have on their lives; it is not so much a trend, but more an ongoing shift towards more mindful life choices.


What are your favourite natural products?

Our All Purpose TINCTURE is an essential; it is 100% natural, pH-neutral and independently tested to commercial kitchen standards so it performs brilliantly.  We do not add fragrance to our products and the divine smell is derived purely from the raw materials used in the formula for their antimicrobial properties with sage, clove and juniper naturally enhancing wellbeing. 

Washing Up TINCTURE made us love washing up again. It has become therapeutic for us to put our hands under the water, wash the dishes and breath in the aroma of the healing oils – it gives me energy and de-stresses – and the dishes shine!  

For beauty we both use Dr. Hauschka cleansing products, especially the Rose Day and Melissa creams. We have always loved Weleda and are currently using their Iris products and always have some of the Caledula crème around the house – a great all rounder for the whole family. People often forget about natural products when buying brushes – ideally they need to be natural and cruelty free too. Ecotools is our go-to. 

Which essential oils should we be using more?

The choice of oils very much depends on what one would wish to use them for; to enhance sleep, to destress, to increase concentration, to travel or perhaps to improve the air in your home.

We like to refer back to the ancient cloister gardens and herbs that have proven to work their wonders over the many generations, plants that have been used with wisdom, with extraction methods that remain practically unchanged. Healing rituals and medicinal recipes have been anchored in reputable manuscripts across the globe and today, their active constituents have been scientifically proven.

TINCTURE recipes have a carefully balanced selection of essential oils, which include herbs, spices, resins, roots and woods – it is complex and its beauty lies in the balance of the selected oil, not in one singular material, my intention was to create a sense of wellbeing whilst cleaning. Cleaning becomes “cleansing”.

If we were forced to choose one oil to travel around the world, it would most likely be Salvia officials (sage), it works as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and is antiseptic too. No wonder the Romans would refer to it as ‘salvere’ – meaning ‘to save or heal’!

Ready to detoxify? Head to TINCTURE to find the best natural and non-toxic home products from washing up liquid to floor concentrate. 

Clean Beauty Co. launch their debut book ‘Clean Beauty’ on the 19th January (£18 published by Square Peg and is available from Amazon). The book is filled with handy tips and tricks to detoxifying your beauty regime and natural remedies. We love their zest espresso body scrub recipe. 

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