The Final Full Moon Of The Year Will Shine This Weekend
2 months ago
Plus: how the Cold Moon could affect your spending habits
The chill is deepening and the nights are darkening, with the New Year clear on the horizon. Lighting up the inky sky this weekend is the final full moon of the year: the Cold Moon. Here’s the significance behind it – plus how it might affect your spending.
What Is The Cold Moon? The Final Full Moon Of 2024
The countdown to Christmas is on – as is the countdown to the New Year. And while the end of the year may be a time for reflection and setting intentions, so is the Cold Moon a few weeks prior.
A nickname for the final full moon of the year in December, the Cold Moon coincides with the darkest and coldest time of the year; in a clear sky, the moon shines all the brighter amid the chill. But as the moon moves through Gemini, energy is abundant, urging people to let go of the old and make space for the new.
When Is The Cold Full Moon?
The Cold Moon will be clear in the sky on the night of the 14 December 2024, rising to its peak in the sky opposite the sun at 9.01 AM on 15 December. But don’t worry if you miss it: the Cold Moon will appear full in the sky from Friday evening through to Monday morning.
The Cold Moon is the name of December’s full moon every year; it is also known as the Frost, Winter, Long Night, Child, Chang’e or Oak Moon, the Moon Before Yule, the Datta or Dattatreya Jayanti Festival Moon or the Karthika Deepam Festival Moon.
The Cold Moon In Folklore
Though it is named for its proximity to the winter solstice and the chilly weather that surrounds it, the Cold Moon has been strongly connected to clarity, purity and reflection throughout history. As the year’s energy culminates in one final beacon of light in the night sky, it’s a powerful time for meditation, prayer and rituals like burning sage, bathing in moonlight and moonlit walks to honour the season and seek guidance as a new phase unfolds. Much like the New Year, the Cold Moon is an auspicious time for setting intentions for the coming year – as well as prophecies.
Taking it back to pre-Christian Europe, the Cold Moon once aligned with the three-day winter solstice festival known as Yule. At this time, ancient druids would harvest mistletoe from oak trees, with druid itself believed to mean ‘oak seer’. In the 10th century, King Haakon I drew Yule into Christmas as part of the Christianisation of Norway, but the Cold Moon has kept its Oak and Yule nicknames – and its relationship with clarity and prophecies.
Could The Full Moon Affect My Finances?
The end of the year is a time of reflection and goal setting. But, as it moves through Gemini, the Cold Moon is also linked to heightened emotions and impulsive decisions – meaning your spending could be impacted. It’s a critical time for money management, says author and financial expert Bola Sol, who has teamed up with Nationwide to share her money management tips in this changing lunar phase. Whether you believe in astrology or not, getting our finances in order is top priority for the New Year. Bola recommends the following…
Pause Before You Purchase
‘The festive season can tempt us into impulsive spending,’ Bola says. Research has shown that on average Brits are expected to spend almost £120 on treats just for themselves in the lead-up to Christmas. It’s more important than ever at this time of year to make sure you’re taking the time to think about what you’re spending on. Take a moment to differentiate between your wants and needs before making purchases. A pause now can save regret later.’
Review & Reflect On Your Financial Year
‘How did you fare with your savings goals?’ Bola asks. ‘Have you managed to reduce debt? Use this time to evaluate what went well and where improvements are needed when it comes to managing your finances and achieving your goals. Also, let’s not be too hard on ourselves. From an economic standpoint, it hasn’t been the easiest of years, has it?’
Set Lunar Resolutions
‘As we approach a new year, it’s always a good time to consider your financial intentions,’ Bola suggests. ‘We talk about fitness and careers, so why not finance? Are your goals still aligned with your income? Let this Cold Moon inspire you to refine your financial aspirations for the months ahead. Don’t forget, everything doesn’t always go to plan, so leave room for the unexpected.’
Avoid Emotional Spending Traps
‘Cue sad movies and catching up with loved ones but be careful of the financial pressure and plan for the festive season within your means,’ Bola says. ‘According to research from Nationwide, 45 percent of UK adults feel pressured to spend more than they can afford at Christmas. The festive season can bring a mix of emotions, from joy to nostalgia, and even stress. It’s tempting to splurge on gifts or socialising to feel better but remember, meaningful moments don’t have to come with a big price tag. Plan ahead, stick to your budget, and focus on what truly matters to you.’
Seek Support If You’re Feeling Overwhelmed
‘Feeling overwhelmed? There’s no shame in admitting this, we’re all human!’ Bola says. ‘Whether you’re reaching out to a trusted friend or a family member, or seeking professional advice, talking things through can help lighten the load and make things clearer. Over a third of Brits are feeling stressed or anxious about the financial pressure of Christmas, so try not to put too much pressure on yourself! We’re all figuring it out, one step at a time.’