Mintus: The New Way To Invest In Art
2 years ago
A new platform allows you to buy shares in some of the world’s greatest paintings
Still confused by the whole NFT art world? Fear not – there’s a new way to invest in art, with no understanding of cryptocurrency needed. Just launched today, Mintus is a platform which offers the opportunity to invest in high-value modern and contemporary art – kicking off with paintings from Andy Warhol and George Condo.
Mintus: The New Way To Invest In Art
Previously, accessing high-value, iconic artworks has been primarily limited to select individuals and institutions – but Mintus aims to make art investment more accessible. Saying that, you need to be able to demonstrate you’re either a ‘sophisticated investor’ or a high net worth individual to join the platform. If you’re successful, you’ll have the chance to get involved with a growing trend known as fractionalisation: shared ownership of art through holding shares in a company which buys it.
As Nicky Clark, Managing Director at Mintus’ Fine Art Division, says: ‘Fractional ownership of art is opening up the industry by allowing investors to own a piece of the art market. Over recent years we’ve seen investors increasingly seek alternative investment strategies to generate risk adjusted returns. We’re excited to provide them with a new way to access a passion-fuelled asset class.’
Works on Mintus are selected by a team of art experts, who consider factors like artist demand, track record and recent price velocity, then presented with information about the artist and its investment potential.
First up: an Andy Warhol self-portrait from 1966, priced at USD $5 million and valued last month at $6.8 million by an independent, leading appraiser. The work has been held in a private collection since 1991, and was last exhibited in 2003. Also available for investment is George Condo’s 2018 work The Outcast, priced at USD $2.775 million and valued last month at USD $3 million.
‘Andy Warhol and George Condo are among the most desirable and sought-after contemporary artists to collect today,’ says Brett Gorvy, Mintus’ Advisory Board Member and the Chief Curator. ‘Their markets are very international and both artists are currently experiencing new popular heights as a result of major museum retrospectives and record prices achieved at auction.’
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