The Rurbanist: Q&A with Elle Macpherson

By Amy Wakeham

2 years ago

Getting to know The Body

Original Eighties supermodel Elle Macpherson is C&TH’s Rurbanist for its Nov/Dec ’22 Celebration issue. In this interview she opens up to C&TH about playing Elvis, building a business and a lifetime of too much Aussie sun.

The Rurbanist: Elle Macpherson

Elle Macpherson

What’s bugging you most right now?

Seeing our beautiful world awash with fear and uncertainty.

Whose mind do you wish you could change?

I’ve learned it’s vital not to try and change anyone’s mind, but I do wish there was a wider appreciation of individual uniqueness and our relationship to nature.

What do you wish your parents had told you?

First of all, I’m thankful I had the opportunity to learn my own way as my parents didn’t put any expectations on me. Maybe I wish I’d known that kids don’t come with a handbook for raising them.

What keeps you awake at night?

Nothing. I sleep with a grateful heart knowing my body is healing – and I always look forward to the next day.

What could you have been arrested for?

My sense of humour at times.

Best life hack?

Learning the art of stillness, listening to your inner sense and a big dose of WelleCo’s The Super Elixir.

Welleco super elixir

WelleCo Super Elixir, £63.

One tip to save the world?

I don’t think it needs saving but it could benefit from some changes, like aligning mind and body with the soul, and enjoying more connectedness with each other and our earth.

What’s the best thing about city life?

You can have the country too if you just close the door. I recently did a staycation at home in Miami over Christmas and the New Year. I turned off my emails, relaxed and laid low. It was one of the best vacations ever. It’s really about how you feel in a place, rather than where you go.

Where do you go to get away?

At the moment I’m travelling so much I feel like I’m perennially away – I need to go home just to get away. The ultimate getaway is meditation.

What’s the best way to put a smile on your face?

Having my boys home! Now they’re grown, these moments are cherished.

The pet you most loved?

Our beloved labradoodle Bella was a huge part of our family when the boys were growing up. I have sweet memories of mornings spent with Bella walking Cy to school in London when he was young. She was very loved, and even had her own modelling contract at one time.

You wouldn’t know it but…

I’m learning to play guitar and I love it.

The book you wished you’d written?

My own and so I am.

The film you wished you’d starred in?

Elvis. I recently watched Baz Luhrmann’s film and I loved it. You can call me Elle-vis! I’d love to play him.

Who would play you in a biopic?

Someone who could withstand portraying a forty-year career with grace and a sense of humour.

Your greatest fail?

There are no failures. I prefer to learn from my experiences, so I treasure both the ups and the downs. Having said that – it could be said my skin has paid a toll for too much Aussie sun.

Your greatest triumph?

My career highlight is the present. It’s the now. Working with WelleCo. Building a business where the purpose is greater than ourselves; helping people discover and embrace the real unique beauty within themselves.

What would your epitaph read?

‘She loved to love and be loved’ and ‘She discovered beauty is soul deep.’ Can you have two?

Quick Fire Round…

Farmacy interiors main restaurant

Farmacy in Notting Hill

Favourite scent?

I’ve always loved men’s cologne and have worn Vétiver by Guerlain for decades.

Box set?

I’m a happier-binge-watching-documentaries kind of girl – I’m passionate about human stories, science, nutrition and spirit.

Chocolate bar?

Anything clean and dark.


‘Morning Elvis’ by Florence and the Machine.


I eat a largely plant-based diet, so I eat anything packed with organic and seasonal ingredients. In the summer I often eat raw. But if I’m feeling like something hot I’ll have a variety of soups, a poached egg with avocado toast or oats, or chia soaked in homemade almond milk. And tea all day!


When I visit London I love Farmacy in Notting Hill.


Slopes for days! Carving lines down the mountain for me is a form of deep meditation.

 For more information Elle Macpherson’s WelleCo and its award-winning range of ingestible elixirs, visit