King’s House School Announces Plan To Welcome Girls In September 2024

By Anoop Bhuller

10 months ago

King’s House School in Richmond has announced that they will welcome girls into Reception and Year 1 in September 2024.

King's House School, Richmond

King’s House School, Richmond

The school was originally founded in 1946 and was expanded in 2009 to include a nursery.

This change will mean that girls who are joining Reception and Year 1 will be given more opportunities to interact with one another and have timetable similarities with break times and assemblies.

Head, Mark Turner, said: ‘It provides the opportunity for both boys and girls to be able to benefit equally from our high-quality, broad and balanced education. A nurturing environment and excellent pastoral care remain at the heart of the King’s House community as we move to co-ed. We can’t wait to meet more prospective families over the coming months!’

Previous Head of the Junior Department at King’s House, Helen Lowe, is consulting on the change. She is helping co-ordinate staff training, facility changes and curriculum reviews.

Helen said: ‘This news was music to my ears when the Head, Mark Turner, called to let me know the school’s plans. I am working closely with the school this year to review their curriculum, ensure that all aspects of school life provide equal opportunities and, on a more practical level, ensure the facilities are of the highest quality and girl-friendly.’

Applications are open now for boys and girls. Contact the Registrar, Sally Bass on 020 8940 1878 or at [email protected].