Address: The Mall School, 185 Hampton Road, Twickenham, TW2 5NQ
Founded: 1872
Number of Pupils: 300
Ages: 4–13; from 2019 boys will leave at the age of 11
Head Teacher: Mr David Price
Religious Affiliation: Non-denominational
Fees: Reception to Year 2: £3,885
Year 3 to Year 8: £4,370.00
Entrance Procedure: Main entry points at 2 years 9 months, 7+, 8+, 11+, 13+, 16+. Selection by assessment/residential assessment and interview.
Contact: Ms Alex Penny 020 8614 1082
Email: [email protected]
School Visits: Open Mornings:
The Curriculum
Specialist teaching: music and PE from Reception; French from Year 2 and from Year 4 in all subjects including science, art and DT in our purpose built facilities. Verbal and non-verbal reasoning lessons are introduced in Year 4 in preparation for 11+ examinations.
Games & The Arts
Major sports are football, rugby and cricket. All boys have weekly swimming lessons in our indoor pool. In Year 3 all boys get to play in their first competitive sports fixture. There are lots of plays and musical groups to get involved in using our 130 seat theatre and music rooms.
Pastoral Care
Boys in Reception and Year 1 are taught in our separate pre-prep building allowing them to settle quickly and easily into school routines. In Years 2 and 3 boys remain with their class teacher for the majority of lessons. In Year 4 boys become more independent. They have a form tutor who is responsible for their day-to-day care but they start to move around the school for their lessons. In preparation for 11+ Year 6 boys will have a mentor, a member of staff in addition to their form tutor.
Recent Scholarships
Hampton, Reed’s, St Paul’s, KCS Wimbledon, Whitgift and St George’s.
Head Teacher’s Philosophy
The Mall School’s mission is to bring out the best in every boy. We believe that all boys have potential and that it is through inspirational teaching and excellent pastoral care that we can develop this potential. Our independence enables us to find the right senior school for every boy.
Outstanding Characteristics
- The school has recently announced that it is to become an 11+ school from 2019.
- We have an impressive record of success at securing places at a range of academically selective senior schools including Hampton, King’s College Wimbledon and St Paul’s.
- Our pastoral care focuses on each boy’s happiness and well-being.
- In September 2016 we installed a new interactive outdoor play area for boys at the pre-prep.
- We run daily minibus routes from Chiswick, Kew, Richmond, Twickenham, Kingston, Sunbury and Hampton.
- There is a breakfast club and a wide range of extra-curricular activities available offering parents wraparound care between the hours of 7.30am and 6.00pm.