Five Podcast Specials To Get You Feeling Christmassy

By Sophie Bucknall

3 years ago

Brush up on some Christmassy brainteasers and factoids

Ever wondered why we celebrate Christmas on December 25? Or why we write Christmas cards, hang wreaths or believe father Christmas brings us gifts? We’ve selected a bunch of history podcasts’ Christmas specials bursting with knowledge of how and why we celebrate Christmas the way we do today. Switch on and collect some facts to impress family members with on Christmas Day…

6 Of The Best History Podcasts To Listen to Right Now

Five Podcast Specials To Get You Feeling Christmassy

The History of Rome: A History of Rome Christmas

How did Christmas develop after the death of Jesus? How soon did it become an established celebration? And does Christmas only have solely Christian roots? In this Roman-centred podcast, Mike Duncan argues that the Roman Empire influenced the celebration of Christmas, developing from Saturnalia and the Feast of Sol Invictus.

The Rest Is History: Christmas

Historians Dominic Sandbrook and Tom Holland run through the full timeline of the history of Christmas, from its origins to today’s traditions. In particular, they consider Christmas’ transition from a public to a private event, and when it became commercial rather than spiritual.

podcast cafe

(c) Juja Han, Unsplash

You’re Dead To Me: The Victorian Christmas

A defining period for Christmassy customs, Greg Jenner is also joined by Dr Fern Riddell and comedian Russell Kane to discuss Christmas in the Victorian period. They reflect on key additions throughout this era such as the Christmas card, crackers and tree, Dickens’ A Christmas Carol and Coca Cola’s monopolisation of Father Christmas.

The British History Podcast: The Twelve Days of Christmas

This episode focuses on Christmas in the middle ages, in which the ‘twelve days’ were an established holiday. Christmas in this period would have been a very different experience from what we know today, but there are some modern traditions that can be traced back to this era, namely decorations with wreaths.

History Extra: Christmas Feasts: Georgian Era

In this episode, Annie Gray explains how Christmas changed significantly in the Georgian era. Social and economic changes in this period have a huge impact on how Christmas is celebrated: public holidays are cut, ‘the twelve days of Christmas’ becomes a memory, while commercialism and individualism emerge and the class system develops.


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