You Can Donate To Food Banks This December Through Deliveroo’s New Service

By Ellie Smith

2 years ago

Collecteroo is a new partnership with food bank charity the Trussell Trust

As the cost of living crisis continues to worsen, more people than ever will be struggling to make ends meet this Christmas. But there are lots of ways we can help – including a new mobile food collection service from Deliveroo, launched in partnership with the Trussell Trust.

The charity initiative, which is called Collecteroo, will involve e-vans picking up food items from people’s homes, which they will then deliver to the Trussell Trust’s food banks across the country. It comes after research commissioned by Deliveroo revealed that 74 per cent of Brits have unopened items in their cupboards that they would happily donate to food banks.

Boxing Olympian Nicola Adams, an ambassador for the campaign, has said: ‘I know how challenging it is for some families to put food on the table, and although they shouldn’t be needed, I’m so thankful that food banks are there to provide compassionate and practical relief.’

‘They do an incredible job at helping people facing hardship, and now, more than ever, it is vital that people who can donate offer their support, where possible. That’s why I’m using my platform and my voice this Christmas to raise awareness around this important initiative from Deliveroo and the Trussell Trust.’

Food bank

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The service is being trialled in five UK cities: London, Manchester, Birmingham, Cardiff and Glasgow. 

For those keen to get involved, foods being collected include:

  • Tinned fruit
  • Tinned meat/fish
  • UHT Milk
  • Tinned tomatoes/pasta sauce
  • Sponge or rice puddings
  • Long-life juice
  • Tea/coffee
  • Soup

Items must be unopened and in-date. Collections will begin on 12 December in Manchester and end on 17 December in London, and you can arrange them at, with applications closing on 28 November.

The Trussell Trust is a nationwide network of over 1,200 food banks – which is almost two thirds of the food banks in the UK. The charity began a partnership with Deliveroo earlier this year, with other initiatives including round-up donations on in-app food orders, and Deliveroo staff sharing their time, skills and expertise with the Trussell Trust.

Will Shu, CEO and founder of Deliveroo, said: ‘Our partnership with the Trussell Trust has already provided 1.5 million meals to food banks and communities across the country, thanks to Deliveroo customers in the UK who have donated so far. Our research highlights that people have food in their cupboards that they would like to donate, so working closely with the Trussell Trust, our ‘Collecteroo’ service will help make it easier for people to donate by connecting local residents to local food banks. Together with our consumers, we are committed to helping to tackle hunger across the UK.’

Imagery: Getty Images