Dating Trends to Get Onboard with in 2023
2 years ago
This year, we're putting the fun back in dating

Plans to get back on the dating horse this year? We’ve enlisted the help of life coach and boundaries expert Michelle Elman to find out which dating trends to have on our radar in 2023, as told in her new book The Selfish Romantic.
Dating Trends to Get Onboard with in 2023
Top Trends at a Glance
This year, dating is going off-line. We’re keen for in-person meetings, exciting dates that don’t begin and end with a strong cocktail and group dates that make an evening feel like a party. 2023 also marks a year of dating liberation, especially for women, as we allow ourselves a be single, casual and spontaneous daters. These are the trends to look out for, according to Michelle:
- Being consciously single
- Offline dating apps
- Dry dating
- Double first dates (or even triple!)
- Phone dates before in person dates
- Dating without the goal of a relationship

(c) Ketut Subiyanto, Pexels
1. Being consciously single
‘People are starting to realise that being single isn’t the misfortune we’re told it is and waking up to the fact that it can be a conscious life choice rather than something someone is doomed to. As I say in The Selfish Romantic, “Being single is sold as the ultimate punishment for the destitute and unlovable, but I started seeing it as a gold mine for fun and opportunity instead.”‘
2. Offline dating apps
‘People are sick of spending hours on apps having long conversations that never lead to any in-person interactions, so new platforms like Thursday are becoming more popular – especially with all the date admin being done for you. Another positive of apps like this is that time-wasting is reduced, as it only works on a Thursday (hence the name) and encourages you to take the connections you’re invested in outside of the app and off-line.’
3. Dry dating
‘As more and more people are living a sober lifestyle, I think we’ll start seeing more dates in the likes of coffee shops and cafes rather than pubs and bars. This also opens the opportunity for more adventurous and creative dates.’
4. Double first dates (or even triple!)
‘One of the appeals of apps like Thursday is you and your single friends can go to the same event with your dates, setting up a multi-date experience. Either organising a date where you both bring a plus one or setting up a group of single friends for an event on the same night will no doubt take off in 2023 – especially since it allows you to get ready together and, more importantly, have the all-important debrief after. (Of course, you might be missing a few of your group if their date goes REALLY well…)’
5. Phone dates before in person dates
‘With the cost of living crisis, it is understandable that people are more conscious of spending money, especially when they don’t know you. As a result, people are more likely to vet their potential dates with a quick phone call or FaceTime to not only check who they say they are, but check that there is a basic level of conversational skills so they don’t have a dire night ahead of them.’
6. Dating without the goal of a relationship
‘Men have been dating like this for years but women have never been ‘given permission’ to date this way due to the fear of being labelled a ‘tease’ or worse. Dating without the goal of a relationship liberates you. In The Selfish Romantic, I explain that “when you are dating for a specific purpose, it becomes a means to an end and that sucks the fun out of the entire process.” The goal of dating can be to just have fun, no added pressure needed.’
The Selfish Romantic: How to date without feeling bad about yourself by Michelle Elman is out now.
Featured image: Candy Goode, Unsplash