Everything You Need to Know About Hygge

By Guest Writer

9 months ago

It's time to remind ourselves about Hygge, the Danish secret to happiness through the long dark winter...

Hygge. Even the word evokes comfort. Apparently the term came from our concept of hug, and really, what’s more comforting than a hug? (Pronounced hue-gah, by the way– and sounds a little like you are clearing your throat). While Italians have ‘la dolce far niente’; the French ‘je ne sais quoi’; and the Danish lifestyle of ‘hygge’, we in the UK are left with afternoon tea and Sunday lunch, neither of which are exactly wellbeing lifestyle movements. So how can we embrace Hygge as the temperatures plummet?

What Is Hygge?

Though the term originated in Norway (where it was defined as something closer to well-being), hygge then became part of the Danish language in the 18th century. Hygge is described as defying translation but can be simply explained as taking pleasure from the lack of annoyance or irritation in a moment of calm.  So it can be as simple as candlelight (to banish the darkness), sitting in a bakery for fika (more on that later) or enjoying a meal with good friends. The term entered the Urban Dictionary in 2008, as ‘a Danish word (pronounced HU-guh) meaning social coziness, i.e. the feeling of a good social atmosphere’. Just think, how much nicer would winter seem if you could get on board with the darkness and rain?

How To Embrace Hygge

Hygge, Sweden Style

In a bid to increase happiness and productivity, in 2015 Sweden changed their work day from an eight hours, to a shorter six-hour day, to ensure that people had time to enjoy their private lives and families outside of work. This has, so far, lead to more productive working conditions and happier employees. The country’s focus on the well-being, happiness and the emotional health of their people makes for a pretty appealing destination. And they are the home of the cinnamon bun…say no more.

Although, in winter, the lack of daylight and the weather in Sweden is bound to affect everyone’s mood. The Swedes live by an ancient proverb ‘There is no bad weather, only bad clothing.’ This practical, ‘get on with it’ attitude is one us Brits were known for, but in recent years seem to have been neglected. After all, we are the home of the Barbour, the trench coat and wellington boots.

cup of tea on a book

Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Fika is another icon of Swedish culture, and is defined as ‘to meet up for a cup of coffee and cake/bun,’ (according to the kitchn) a social coffee break essentially, not so different from our formal afternoon tea. It is a time to reflect and contemplate in a social situation, rather than rushing a lonely 4pm snack on the tube. It serves as a reminder to enjoy the simple things in life.  The Nordic Bakery has annouced itself as a destination for fika and hygge using the #myquietmoment hashtag. In Sweden many workplaces even make fika compulsory, with a scheduled ‘fikapaus’ and in some cases, a dedicated Fika room. We say, bring it on.

Hygge in Norway

Nature is at the forefront of Norwegian life. From the northern lights to the impressive Fjords and skiing, the outdoors are celebrated, even when it’s almost entirely dark. So winter is the time to embrace nature and all the elements. After all, rain isn’t that bad really is it? Especially when you will be welcomed home with dry, warm clothes, cosy blankets and hot chocolate.

Denmark Does Hygge

The Danes are often cited as the happiest country in the world; perhaps because they have one of the highest life expectancies at 81 years old, rather than the global average of 72. There’s also free/ tax funded healthcare, and a not too shabby GDP per capita. Surely even the most sceptical of people will be swayed by these statistics and get ready to embrace hygge this winter. Meanwhile Copenhagen is the coolest city to visit, just look at Derek Blasberg’s Instagram. Enjoy the finer, simpler things in life by getting a little more Danish.

Hygge in Wellness

The wellness industry has been one of the most successful marketing rebrand exercises in retail history, transforming veganism from hippie status to cult following. Mindfulness, meditation and yoga have all played a huge part in that transformation and hygge is welcomed as a younger sister to the preachier, yoga loving forerunner.

After of the recent obsession with the ‘clean-eating’ and fitness trends, hygge seems a far healthier and saner approach to life.  And we aren’t the only ones that have noticed. Bookshops are full of books about hygge, and Denmark lifestyle. From ‘Hygge: The Danish Art of Happiness’ by Marie Tourell Søderberg to ‘ScandiKitchen: Fika and Hygge’ by Bronte Aurell, amongst  others, this remains one of the biggest trends in lifestyle and wellness. After all, the Danes are the happiest nation in the world…

Get hygge with the ScandiKitchen’s fika cake