Feltonfleet school

Address: Byfleet Road, Cobham, Surrey KT11 1DR
Website: feltonfleet.co.uk
Founded: 1903
Number of Pupils: 401
Fees: Details available on our website. 100 per cent bursaries available.
Ages: 3–13
Head Teacher: Mrs Shelley Lance, BD, PGCE
Religious Affiliation: Church of England
Entrance Procedure: Early registration recommended for nursery/ Pre-Prep. Prep entry by assessment at 7+ and 11+ but places are sometimes available at other points.
Contact: Mrs Jackie Williams, Registrar, 01932 862264
Email: [email protected]
School Visits: Prospective parents welcome anytime, by appointment with the Registrar. Open Mornings: Friday 4th May 2018 and Saturday 22nd September 2018

The Curriculum

Wide-ranging, balanced, creative and challenging. From Year 5, teaching is by subject specialists. The school also offers a wide selection of extracurricular activities and enrichment opportunities.

Games & The Arts

Boys play football, rugby, cricket; girls play netball, rounders, lacrosse. Both do hockey, tennis, athletics, swimming. The school has its own shooting range for .22 and air rifle. Strong art, music, dance and drama departments with pupil concerts/performances throughout the year.

Pastoral Care

Feltonfleet is a happy, safe and caring environment with a strong family feel and an inclusive culture. A strong and supportive pastoral framework runs through the school and we pride ourselves on the positive relationships that exist between staff and pupils. Dedicated teachers offer effective guidance and support to every individual child, providing an affirming environment in which our pupils thrive and grow in confidence and self-esteem.

Head Teacher’s Philosophy

Happy pupils flourish. We have high expectations. Pupils are encouraged to participate to the best of their ability – academically, in sport and in the arts. Our educational philosophy embraces a commitment to learning, living, and leading positively; placing our four school values – happiness, honesty, respect, and responsibility – at the heart of everything we do.

Outstanding Characteristics

Our most recent ISI Inspection Report (2013) gave Feltonfleet an ‘excellent’ rating in every area of educational provision. The boarding house is a happy and nurturing environment that offers a high quality day, flexi and weekly boarding experience. High quality teaching and excellent pastoral care underpin the unique family atmosphere at Feltonfleet. The beautiful campus is in 25 acres of Surrey countryside, within easy reach of SW London and served by a comprehensive bus service.