The Supplement That Does It All: Equi London

By CTH Editors

9 months ago

Equi London is a Great British Brand 2024

Equi London is an entry in our Great British Brands 2024 book. 

Equi London: Great British Brand 2024

‘About ten years ago, I came off the contraceptive pill and my skin erupted. I was working in investment banking and found these breakouts really stressful. Having tried several treatments that didn’t work, my close friend, Harley Street nutritional therapist Alice Mackintosh, recommended a range of supplements designed to bring all parts of my body back into balance. Internal imbalances can have a ripple effect, manifesting, for instance, in symptoms like problem skin, low energy and lack of concentration. This approach completely cleared my skin and had a profound effect on my wellbeing. We wondered whether, if we combined the eight products I was taking into an all-in-one solution, we could help people. 

Our products are complex and still ahead of the curve, even eight years on, so reaching customers in the digital space has been fundamental. It’s not enough for our products to sit on a shelf; we need the story and education around them. AI is a powerful tool for analysing data and feedback, to pick out the trends and see what’s important to people. This helps us engage more people and make sure that we continue to service them in the most valuable way. We also use Fintech for cash flow projections, which has allowed us to expand internationally and work on bringing out new lines, without seeking investment. 

We understand how overwhelming the wellness industry can be and aim to go above and beyond in helping people feel informed and empowered. Whether it be through the quality of our formulations, customer service or the information we share, I think our customers feel that in every touch point. In the supplement market, there are so many faceless, nameless companies. We’re not: we’re founder-led and really care. We’re on a mission to bring effective supplements to people and we’re passionate about that.’

Rosie Speight, Co-Founder and Managing Director

Five Proudest Moments

  1. We were first stocked in Harrods in 2017 and have become one of its best-selling supplement brands. 
  2. Being selected as a Walpole Brand of Tomorrow in 2021, and becoming an active member of the British Institute of Luxury community. 
  3. This year we set up in the UAE and are working with leading retailers. We are proud to be flying the flag for British quality in the Middle East. 
  4. The thousands of customer reviews telling us how life-changing our formulas are, and how they have become a constant in their lives. 
  5. Being selected as the supplement brand in leading women’s wellness clinics and practitioner platforms – it’s a huge stamp of approval to be used by experts.

What I’ve Learnt

  • The importance of hands-on customer service in the digital space; so many ecommerce brands fall short here and we prioritise this. 
  • Timing and adaptability matter. We’re very flexible and have always pivoted quickly as we’ve grown.
  • There’s a winning combination in using technology effectively while building a team who wholeheartedly believe in the brand – this will power you forward.


+44 (0)20 7118 1611
