Alexandra Dunhill on her Female-Focused CBD Brand, Lady A
3 years ago
A new CBD-infused intimacy line joins the hemp market

No longer just a buzzword, CBD has become a firm fixture in the wellness world. These days the wonder ingredient is widely used for everything from sleep to stress, with exciting new brands and launches popping up left right and centre – each adding something new to the cannabidiol canon.
One of these is Lady A, a premium CBD collection founded by Alexandra Dunhill, great granddaughter of Alfred Dunhill, founder of the eponymous luxury brand. This month the company launches its new CBD-infused intimacy line, After Dusk, which includes massage oil, lubricant and a silk eye mask. We caught up with Alexandra to hear more.
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Alexandra Dunhill on her CBD Brand, Lady A

Alexandra Dunhill
How did you first discover CBD?
I first discovered CBD when I went to visit my son Piers, who was living in LA. Piers had previously suffered with stress and anxiety, and when I went to visit him, he was so much calmer, happier and focused – and it was all down to him being introduced to CBD. As a relieved mum and as a curious newcomer, I was just fascinated to know more.
What are the key benefits?
CBD is known to help with a multitude of things such as stress, anxiety, insomnia and pain, and can even help regulate your immune system as well as having anti-inflammatory properties. Its proven effects are myriad – and they can be enjoyed in so many different ways, not just through ingestion/inhalation but via creams and other topical applications.
What are the misconceptions surrounding it?
I think as soon as people hear ‘CBD’, they think of marijuana and smoking – but CBD has nothing to do with getting stoned. It’s a natural botanical concentrate in compounds called cannabinoids that are found in the stalk and seeds of hemp and cannabis plants. We actually have cannabinoids in our bodies – they’re named after the plant that helped scientists identify them. CBD offers all the healing, soothing mental and physical properties of a cannabinoid, without intoxication or the unwanted side effects that you might expect from THC, which is what people smoke.

Lady A’s Massage Oil Line
Why do you think it has become so popular in recent years?
We’re more conscious about what we’re putting into our bodies, and becoming more educated and empowered to look after our mental and physical health. It seems inevitable that an ingredient that enhances both mental and physical wellness – that comes entirely from nature – would become popular.
It’s also so easy to incorporate CBD into your diet or daily routine and feel the medicinal benefits. At Lady A we have tinctures as well as capsules and vapes, which means there is a way in for any customer. Many will feel more comfortable with a tincture than, say, a vape, but all can enjoy that overall improvement in wellbeing that comes from CBD. CBD has been popular in the USA for years and I think it’s great that the UK is finally discovering the benefits of this amazing plant.
Tell us about Lady A. Where did the idea come from?
As soon as I had seen how CBD had positively impacted my own son’s wellbeing, I was driven to find a way to spread that wonderful healing effect far and wide. I did an enormous amount of research into cannabinoids and the different ways to apply them to your skin or to take them internally. I found the results remarkable. The more positive reviews, evidence and anecdotes I read, the more determined I was to bring the power of this plant to as many people as possible and improve their lives.
Why did you decide to focus on women?
As with so many things, CBD brands were not serving the female customer very well. None of them seemed to capture the essence of this marvellous hemp plant – or at least not in a way that appealed to me, as a woman. I felt women were missing out on tremendous benefits, just because no one had thought to tailor their products to them; eradicating stigma and creating a product that was trustworthy and desirable.

Lady A’s After Dusk Range
How do the Lady A products benefit women in particular?
CBD products are great for everyone, and anyone can use Lady A. But I’d like to reach women in particular because there are so many female issues that CBD addresses: it can balance hormone levels, which is obviously beneficial during menstruation or menopause. It can also help with anxiety, with stress (which also relates to hormone levels), and with intimacy.
Tell us about the new range, After Dusk…
Sex is all part of leading a balanced and enjoyable life. It would be failing if we, a wellness brand, didn’t look to sexual wellbeing as part of our holistic offering. But mainly, CBD is the magic ingredient for intimacy. As an anti-inflammatory, it can aid discomfort or pain during sex, and increase blood flow and sensitivity where it counts. And obviously anything that relaxes and soothes you is going to make the warm-up to sex even more enjoyable. We’ve created oil and water-based lubricants, as well as a beautiful massage oil, and a silk eye mask. The idea is to capture all of those wonderful properties of CBD oil and get them to work in the bedroom – whether you’re by yourself or with a partner. I just think – why not?
Check out the range at
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